8th grade Instructional Unit
Unit 2 – Exponents & Square Roots Review
Unit 3 – Pythagorean Theorem Instructional Unit
Nancy Perzel
The purpose of this unit is to provide a teacher with lesson plans to assist in the instruction of students while incorporating interactive mathematical technology to enrich and maximize student learning.
This unit has been designed for 8th grade students following the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards, www.georgiastandards.org. The lessons incorporate a review in the use and meaning of exponents and the square root function, as well as introducing (uncovering) and applying the Pythagorean Theorem. The original design is for a ten day instructional unit assuming a 60-minute class period. Depending on the needs and mathematical background of your students you may need to adjust the lesson plans. Ultimately you have the flexibility to use whichever lessons you like, or even just bits and pieces of each lesson plan and to go at whatever pace is appropriate for the individual needs of your students.
The standards addressed are highlighted below. The key standards are highlighted.
Day 1 - Squares and Square Roots
Day 3 - Length of Line Segments
Day 4 - Sum of the Squares in a Right Triangle
Day 5 - Pythagorean Theorem Formula
Day 7 - Converse & Pythagorean Triples
Day 8 - Problem Solving with the Pythagorean Theorem
Day 9 - Pythagorean Relationships GSP Activity
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